Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It was supposed to be simple...

I am sitting at Starbucks having quality time with myself, my journal, and my laptop. I am going to write my primary care physician a thank you letter. Unbeknownst to me, at the time, my GI doctor was only going to do the colonoscopy, and not the endoscopy. My primary care doc was the one who pressed the endoscopy.  Without that endoscopy they would not have found the lymphoma. Without that endoscopy, I would not have been diagnosed as early as I was, and things could potentially be much much worse. 

It was supposed to be simple. I was expecting to come out of it, the GI doc saying I fucked up my esophogus from 12 years of being Bulimic.  That I could handle. 



It is with a grateful heart I sit down and write this letter to my primary care doc.  Yet, how do you adequately say 'thank you' for something of that magnitude?

So, sitting at Starbucks having quality time with my pumpkin spice latte on this cold cold winter morning I begin to write...

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