Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sleep is overrated? Nope I think not!

I am still waking up every two hours around the clock. Despite my cocktail of night time medication. I saw my therapist last week and she agreed that having a good sleep schedule is going to be imperative to part of my recovery. I know that, yet my body wants UP.  Then of course, I try to lay there and get sleepy... and nada. 

I went to Diabetes Center of America today. I am also Diabetic, in addition to the Cancer.  I've been Diabetic for a while now, but it's been hard to control even with oral medication and long acting insulin. My diet isn't necessarily half bad either.  I'd assume the challenge to control the Diabetes, comes in part from the Cancer.  So, anyway, my doctor there is putting me on fast acting insulin as well, especially to offset how high my blood sugars are going to get when I start treatments. Between the treatments and the steroids, it's going to be a doozy. 

While in her office, I almost started crying. I choked back the tears. It hit me pretty hard, how difficult it's going to be to keep myself well during all of this. 

Coming down to the wire, though... It's early morning Saturday. I see the Oncologist on Monday, I see my surgeon for a follow up of the portacath placement next week. I'll be starting treatments next week as well. 

It's weird how unbelievably slow these last three weeks have gone. Between all the information dumped on us, all the preparation to get started with the Cancer treatments, and it's finally pretty much here. Part of me is relieved, actually. Probably more of me is relieved than not. Of course, I don't want to be going through all of this (duh) but at least I can see the light at the end of this waiting tunnel. 

We're going to see her family today is Louisiana. That'll be nice. Then tomorrow my dad is coming over :)

That's about it for now. Until next time...

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